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教案示例UNIT 5 How Was Your Weekend? (人教版高二英語上冊教案教學設計)

欄目: 英語寫作指導 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.47W

清華附中 周喆

● W5C1

● 1. Vocabulary (Past Simple Tense)

A). Ask Ss to write down all the phases in P25 (picture 1A) under the time axis.

B). Ask Ss to write down the past tense of the verbal phrases.

C). After a small discussion, Ss find out the rules by themselves.

D). Teach them the rules of verbs in past simple tense.

1). regular verbs: + ed. /id/. y i +ed

2). Irregular verbs:

is / was are / were do / did go / went buy / bought

3). 過去時無人稱和數的變化。

2. P25 Section A 1A; P28 Section B 1A Read the new phrases and practice.

3. Listening. P26 Section A 2A, 2B.

A). “Above are all the things about weekend activities. What would you say if you want to ask others about their weekend?” elicit the main sentences:

e.g.: How was your / his / her weekend?

It was great / boring / pretty good / …

What did you / he / she do over the weekend?

How about you?

B). “First, let’s listen to other people’s weekend. They are Anita, Ben and Sonia. Let’s see how did they spend their weekend.” Listen to the tape twice. 2a; 2b.

(Then do P29 Section B 3a.)

C). “Now, please work in pairs and tell your partner what did you do over the weekend and how did you feel.”

Interview your partner and take notes.

Name Feeling What you did Time


D). Change your partner and take notes.

(Work in groups of four.)

E). Ask four people (a group) come up to the front and do the memorizing activity. Other people take notes. Then let two Ss ask questions about what the people do in the front over the weekend.

4. Homework.

Copy the new phrases. (4 times)

Workbook. 1,2,5.

Make at least ten pieces of weekend activity phrases (include the 7 new ones in the book). Cut them into small pieces.

● W5C2

1. Revision. (P27 Section A 3a)

2. Listening (P25 Section A 1b)

A). “Today, let’s listen to a girl’s weekend activities. Her name is Lucy. What you should do is to tell me what do you think about her weekend. Do you like it?”

Before listening, Ss first guess what did Lucy do over the weekend. (Pair work)

Prediction (Guess)   Reality (Tape)


Saturday Morning



Sunday Morning



B). Listen to the tape twice. And fill in the chart.

C). Stick the little pieces in the chart and check the answers with the partner.

D). Check the answer together. Ask someone to give a report

e.g.: On Saturday morning, Lucy played tennis. And she did her homework…

E). “Do you like her weekend or not? Why?”

3. Task: “The Best Weekend Plan”

A). “Please work in pairs and find out who has got the best weekend plan. Who both did their work and had fun.” Ask your partner about their weekend plan and take notes. Draw or in the chart.

You   P1   P2   P3


Saturday Morning



Sunday Morning



B). Change your partner and take notes.

C). Work in groups of four and find out whose weekend plan is the best. The group leader should give us a report. We need reasons.

e.g.: Jim helped her mother clean the house on Saturday morning. (We think) It was good! Because he can help others…He both had fun and did his homework. That’s pretty good.

D). Design a best weekend plan

(groups of four).

4. Homework

Workbook: 3, 4

Design a best weekend plan and write the reasons.

Each group leader prepares 12 pieces of paper. Write 6 groups of regular and irregular verbs on them.

● W5C3

1. Revision (Porker Game)

Give each group (groups of four) 12 blank cards and some markers. Help students write out pairs of cards with a present tense of a certain verb on one and the past tense of the same verb on the other. The students mix up the cards and give each student three cards. Players choose a card from the student on the right. The object of the game is to find the other (past or present tense) verb cards that match the ones you are holding and place the cards face up on the table. The first student to match up all their cards is the winner.

2. Section B 1b, 2a, 2b.

3. Role-play.

Work in pairs. Student A is a famous person in the world, (e.g.: Jackie Chen). Student B is a TV reporter. Student B should interview A about how he or she spent his or her weekend.

4. Homework

Survey: Interview at least ten people in our class and write a report about how many people did the same thing at the same time over the weekend.

Workbook: 6.

● W5C4

1. Reading 3a, 3b

2. Self-check

3. Class presentation

4. Supplementary Reading

5. Quiz 5

6. Homework

Workbook: 7.

Challenging Activity: Interview your grandparents and your parents about what they did over the weekend when they are at your age. And then write down what you did over the weekend and please predict what the children will do over the weekend in year 2050. This is a letter for them to read and to find out the great changes during these 100 years.


UNIT 5 How Was Your Weekend?

Task 1 (調查彙報上個週末做了什麼)

Interview your partner and take notes.

Name Feeling What you did Time


Task 2

Prediction (Guess)   Reality (Tape)


Saturday Morning



Sunday Morning



Task 3

Ask your partner about their weekend plan and take notes. Draw or in the chart. Design a best weekend plan

Feeling Saturday Sunday

Morning Afternoon Evening Morning Afternoon Evening





The Best



不辭 高爾夫球友誼邀請賽開球儀式致辭 難忘的獨特春節作文 季羨林《清塘荷韻》練習及答案 春節放禮花小學六年級作文 美食廣場當服務員社會的實踐報告 家園工作計劃 窗外的樹林和天空高一作文500字 國慶的感悟五年級作文 中班語言教案:有家真好 肉絲麪 《貓咪百貨》讀後感 《早春別石家莊》詩歌賞析 小學生美麗的冬天的作文400字 給遠方的小朋友寫一封信小學五年級作文 您辛苦了詩歌 四季的腳步詩歌 我與真善美的詩意棲居作文 又是一年春來到作文 風的作文 孩子喜歡的童話故事 一箱蘋果散文 《同温丹徒登萬歲樓》閲讀答案 背影的六年級讀後感作文750字 裙子的讀後感300字 暖心教師節的祝福語 世上沒有後悔藥四年級作文 凝聚親情的作文800字 通用春節快樂的祝福語短信摘錄 父愛——讀《傅雷家書》有感讀後感 麥田裏的守望者讀後感作文1200字 重要的是記憶作文 花海詩歌 最幸福的話作文300字 致學前教育班全體同學的一封信 害怕回鄉語文閲讀題附答案 大學貧困生的申請書 用心愛學生用愛鑄師魂優秀師德演講稿 銀行方向實習心得體會 難忘的煙台之旅小學作文400字 為媽媽打工作文 我的變化三年級作文450字 檢察院中層幹部競聘的演講稿 是一種力量作文 想起這件事我就樂作文500字 會飛的汽車-想象作文550字 美麗的東湖公園-五年級-記敍文 加入縣政協委員會申請報告