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living in a big city英語作文精彩範文

欄目: 高二英語作文 / 發佈於: / 人氣:3.22W

城市影響了我們什麼?在大城市生活有什麼好處呢?以下是小編帶來的living in a big city英語作文,希望對你有幫助。

living in a big city英語作文精彩範文

living in a big city英語作文(一)

Compared to last years' statistics, this year more and more youngsters would like to launch a career in first-tier cities. There is no doubt that residing in big cities brings more chances to be hired and promoted. Futher benefits associated with big cities are higher income, indeed decent social status, and the most prevalent pastimes.

Virtually, each coin has two sides. There are also lots of disadvantages living in first-tier cities. With the explosive growth of house price and higher price of commodities,inevitably, you would burden more pressure living in big cities. Likewise, big city has a dense and large population. As a result, you may encounter vast crowds of people when you are out, and you have to wait in a long queues at the hospitals when you get ill as well.

In my points, only by discovering yourself and knowing what's your niche areas can you hope to lead a better life. As for fortune, as for fame, they are of no consequence just like floating clouds. Nothing is more significant than your own happiness.

living in a big city英語作文(二)

The city is the place where all industrial, cultural and educational centers are situated. In big cities you can find museums, theaters, clubs, cinemas, big shops and hospitals, comfortable modern flats.

People try to live in cites because all necessary objects are situated nearby. For example if you get ill a hospital or a chemist's shop will be situated near your home in the city, and if you live in the country it will be hard to find any medical help very quickly.

Also in big cites you can find all sorts of entertainment such as cinemas, clubs entertaining parks and so on. Many people like to spend their free time there because it helps them to relax and bring them a lot of pleasure.

It is really convenient that everything you need in daily life is situated near you. One of the most important comforts of big cites is that you can quickly get everywhere you like by underground, bus, trolleybus. Also in big cities there is electricity therefore you can use electrical devices such as TV sets, computers, radio, microwave oven, refrigerators and so on.

One more thing, without which it would be impossible to live today is the telephone and where there is a telephone there is also Internet. The communication (связь) has huge value in the life of people and we have got used to it to such extent that if there is no telephone we feel uncomfortable and lonely.

Yes, it is really comfortable, and at first glance everything is good but nowadays big cites there are a great amount of cars and factories. Big cites suffer of overpopulation, dirty air, and water, The streets became noisy and after hardworking day people cannot relax.

People try to do everything to go to the countryside because only there they can find silence. Every holiday and every weekend people try to leave their houses and go to the country.

I live in … district. The ecological conditions here are very bad because near my house a lot of industrial objects are situated. For example near … factory is situated. As for me I prefer to live in a big city because a lot of big shops are situated near my home, but I also like to spend my holidays in the country because after living in the city for about 9 months I begin to get tired.

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