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高中牛津英語模塊九unit 4 Word power 備課教案(譯林牛津版高三英語選修九教案教學設計)

欄目: 英語寫作指導 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.55W

Unit 4 Word power

一、Teaching goals

1. Target language: new words and sentence structure

2. Ability goals: Read a passage about religions around the world and then learn some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning.

3. Learning ability goals: Students are expected to make themselves familiar with the expressions related to religion.

二、Teaching important and difficult points

Gain some knowledge about some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning and make themselves familiar with them.

三、Teaching aids

A tape recorder and a computer.

四、Teaching procedures and ways

Step I Lead-in

1. Show some pictures of different religions to students and motivate them to learn more knowledge about it.

印度教(Hinduism) ,乃印度的婆羅門教。梵天(Brahma)、毘瑟奴(Vishnu)和濕婆(Shiva)為印度三大主神,分別代表宇宙的“創造”、“守護”和“毀滅”。  另一個可達到梵我合一的途徑就是瑜珈(yoga)的修練。

伊 斯 蘭 教( Islam),其意為“歸順真主”。該教的創始人穆罕默德出生於公元570年一個富有的家庭,在城市環境長大,該城即伊斯蘭的聖地麥加城 .安拉是唯一上帝。

猶太教(Judaism)是世界三大神信仰中,最早而且最古老的宗教,也是猶太民族的生活方式及信仰。 多數猶太人的宗教活動,主要在家中進行。它包括每天三次的祈禱,早晨、下午及日落之後。會眾的禱告通常在猶太會堂舉行。會堂是猶太人禱告與學習的地方,在星期一、星期四、安息日及節日和至聖日

佛教(Buddhism )創立後,在印度幾經演變。創始人釋迦牟尼。 佛教向亞洲各地傳播,北傳經帕米爾高原傳入中國。

2. Do you know any religious words that are used in our daily life now?

--- Religions are important in our daily life. Different cultures are closely related to religions. Now we will learn some expressions related to it.

Step II Vocabulary learning

1. Read the article in Part A on page 54, and answer the following questions.

1). What religions are mentioned in this article?

--- Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

2). When did the religions begin?

--- Hinduism began over 4,500 years ago.

Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago.

Judaism began over 3,000 years ago.

Christianity is about 2.000 years old.

Islam was started about 1,400 years ago.

3). Is the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday? Where do Jews worship?

--- Yes. They worship in a synagogue.

4). What religion do Muslims believe in?

---They believe in Islam.

2. Read the article again and complete the chart.

People who believe in it

Who/What they believe in

The religious book they read

Place they worship






Answers: Hindus, Several different gods, Vedas,temple

Buddhist, The teachings of Buddha,Buddhist scriptures,temple

Judaist, God,Torah,synagogue

Christian,God and Jesus,Bible,church


Step III Discussion

1.Can you tell me words and expressions related to religions?

---Priest, bishop, nun, worship, angel, devil or soul.

●Look at the pictures on page 55 and the sentences below.

● Discuss and explain the religious words in your own language.

● Make a comparison between the religious meanings and the meanings that are now used in daily English.

● angel

In religious books, an angel refers to a messenger and servant of God, usually represented as a person with wings and dressed in white.

While in our daily speaking, it can refer to a person who is very kind or you are very grateful to. When it is used to describe a child, it means the child behaves well.

● devil

In the religious term, it means the most powerful evil spirit.

While in our daily conversation, it refers to a person who behaves badly.

● soul

In the religious term, it means the sprit inside one’s body, or the part of a person that is not the body. The soul is believed not to die even if the body is dead.

While in our daily conversation, it refers to a kind of human feeling which helps us recognize, create and enjoy the work of art.

2.Complete the information using religious words.

The _____ is the spirit inside someone’s body. It can suffer if it is in a bad person, but we use it to talk about our mood and feeling in general. The word _____ means a messenger or helper from God, but it is also used to describe a sweet or very good person. The _____ is the opposite of goodness and represents evil. We can also use the word to describe a naughty child.

Answers:soul, devil, angel


1. Surf the Internet or refer to some relevant resources about different religions.

2. Preview Grammar and usage.

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