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假如我是一隻鳥英語作文If I were a bird

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假如我是一隻鳥英語作文If I were a bird

If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky, because I always dream about flying in the sky. I would fly upon to view the city I live in, and it must be owesome. I would fly to the mountains and woods, to see the beautiful scenery. I would also want to fly above Sun Moon Lake to see if it really looks like a son, and moon. If I were a bird, I would like to fly through nature.

If I were a bird, I would live in the tree. When I was a kid, I usually wondered about what the birds do in the nest. Are they feeling bored? How do they feel about living on a branch? What do they do when a Typhoon is coming? I think I could figure out all these questions if I were a bird.

If I were a bird, I would like to fly to heaven to see my grand parents, because I miss them so much, although I know its impossible. When I was in kindergarden, we still live together, and they loved me so much. They alwas played with me, and gave me a lot of candy. When I couldn’t sleep at night, my Grandma would tell me stories until I fell asleep. They went to heaven when I was in the first grade, and I remember I cried for a whole month, I was so sad. So if I were a bird, I would like to fly to my grand parents, to tell them I still love them very much.





Tags:Bird 英語
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