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Walking on the campus, you'll find luxuries are not far away for students. Some wear CK clothes and some carry LV bags. According to an online survey conducted by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students claiming to have a certain luxury.

On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining luxuries is quite different. Some students get them from their parents, as their families are in good financial condition. Some take part-time jobs to buy luxuries by themselves. For example, a college student named Xiao Mei said she worked as a tutor for three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume. Some receive luxuries as a gift from their friends or relatives.

As for me, I object to students' using luxuries. It is known that luxuries are notable for their super prices. However, students are not economically independent and their attention should be paid to study. In this sense, using luxuries is improper for students.

《開學第一課》的觀後感600字 讀《窗邊的小豆豆》有感作文300字 獵狗與小鳥童話作文 春天的故鄉小學作文 英語人事專業英文簡歷 敬佩的人初二作文700字 有趣的發現作文小學 小班數學教案配對對 校本培訓工作總結 人事專員年終工作計劃 大班下學期教學計劃樣本 網賺新手常見的誤區總結 《秦兵馬俑》的第一課時教案 英語課程培訓個人心得體會 如何做一個精明的買賣人散文 商會成立登記申請書 李白《蜀道難》教學反思 從《春曉》的英譯談中國古詩的翻譯 《難忘的外教課》作文 交通安全主題班會作文 珍惜身邊的700字初中初三抒情作文 《麥田裏的守望者》名著讀後感 寓言故事的作文400字 談讀書的苦與樂 讀《留給明天》有感的作文 我讀書我快樂750字優秀作文 奧運語錄 片尾 我最敬佩的老師作文600字敍事 終究要散場了的散文 電力系統及自動化畢業生簡歷 初中作文 :一個難忘的人 狐狸的作文 最喜歡冬天的作文 中學交通安全教育備課教案 《坐井觀天》教案的內容參考 冬天的好詞好句有哪些 一位嚴格温柔的老師作文700字 贈我的同學 黃時雨 《望廬山瀑布》作品賞讀 我心中的愛國主題作文 一件有意義的事學生作文200字 第一次買菜小學生記敍文 中秋節作文1200字中秋節作文 走過青春作文 環境變了這篇作文300字 可愛的小狗五年級優秀作文500字