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textbooks, school, levels, kinds, purpose, learn, therefore, features, information, contents, parts, page, understand, divide, sections, finally, index, alphabetical, most, help, quickly, helpful features of textbookstextbooks are books that students use in school. students at all levels and in all kinds of schools use textbooks. they have certain features in common--features that help us find and understand the information in them.

textbooks have tables of contents at the beginning. the tables of contents list the chapter titles, the parts of the chapters, and the page numbers of the parts. these sections are divided again into smaller parts with headings and subheadings. finally, most textbooks have an index at the back of the book. the index lists all the topics in the book in alphabetical order, and gives their page numbers.

these are the features of most of the books. all of these features, chapters and chapter divisions, and indexes help us find and understand the information in textbooks quickly and efficiently.

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