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The Famous London Eye小學英語作文

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在學習、工作乃至生活中,大家對作文都再熟悉不過了吧,作文是從內部言語向外部言語的過渡,即從經過壓縮的簡要的、自己能明白的`語言,向開展的、具有規範語法結構的、能為他人所理解的外部語言形式的轉化。相信很多朋友都對寫作文感到非常苦惱吧,以下是小編收集整理的The Famous London Eye小學英語作文,僅供參考,希望能夠幫助到大家。

The Famous London Eye小學英語作文

Today my topic is The Famous London Eye. The London Eye is also known as the Millennium Wheel. It was built to commemorate the year 20xx. Now it has become one of the most famous places for tourism in London. It's located by the Thames River. It is the third largest ferries wheel in the world. If you go on the wheel, you may feel excited and a little scared too. Each cabin can contain about 15 people. There are thirty-two cabins on the wheel. Every cabin is air-conditioned. I think they must be pretty comfortable. The height of the London Eye is 135 meters, and the speed of its rotation is 0.26 meters per second. It takes thirty minutes to finish one revolution. That’s a long time, but you can enjoy the beautiful view of London.

The designer of this project is David Marx. I think he is a great and smart person. I want to be a building designer too. I will study hard and try to make my dream come true! Before that, I would like to travel all over the world and try to enjoy different kinds of buildings and views!

That’s all! Thank you!

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