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肯丁熱帶森林公園(Kenting Tropical Forest Park)

欄目: 高中生作文 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.08W

Forest park Near the southernmost tip of Taiwan you will Find Kenting tropical forest park just above Where three great waters meet. The park is Marked by unsurpassed scenic beauty, unique Geological formations and a large botanical garden with species from all parts of the world. Most of the rocks at Kenting park of the world. Most of Many thousands of years ago the island was deep beneath the sea. Millions of coral polyps and the Wave motion of the water shaped the solid rock into fantastically beautiful sculptures. Today the Island is covered by more than a thousand different varieties of tropical plants and trees. Also, there are many birds and butterflies. The park there is a natural cavern called fairy Cave. Near the highest point of the park is a five-Story observation tower for taking pictures. On a Clear day it is possible to see orchid island from The observation tower.

肯丁熱帶森林公園(Kenting Tropical Forest Park)

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