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欄目: 英語演講稿 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.22W

now,we are young,so ihope we can study in order to repay parents, not in order to repay the teacher, but in order to repay more and more peaple.



during the summer vacation, i played five days in ceramics factory work, and i find a terrible things, later if i still to work to do that,it is too bad. not make the work into high and low, everyone in the society has contributed, only contribution to human is different , such as einstein and shichuanxiang, they both make contributions to society, but its contribution is different. ceramic export only earn a little money, and only to solve their own food and clothing.

在這個暑假我打了5天的工,發現了一件很可怕的事情,如果將來我還在打工就太糟糕了。不是把工作分成高低貴賤,每個人在為社會做貢獻,只是貢獻不同,就像時傳祥和愛迪生,他們都在為社會做貢獻,但是貢獻卻不同。we all hope that the people around because we exist and can be more happiness, but when we can only do something for our livelihood,and those unfortunate people were still suffer at thethe bottom in the social, they did not because the existence of you and be able to look at the sun, and when you also found this, you will be sorry.


therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy, when we will be able to change destiny, study hard, improve our own quality, improve our own cultural level, is not only for our future can well-fed glut, more important is to be able to do our best contribution in the society, to realize their own value.


hope the workers’ work becouse us to be more easily and safely, social system can because of us to be more perfect, let more people enjoy freedom, equality, and enjoy life.


我去了“快樂寶貝GO”的現場作文 陶淵明《飲酒並序》 傾訴的作文 開齋節作文300字 歡樂的家庭作文350字 小金魚的觀察日記 中班遊戲活動貼燒餅教案 冬天的作文500字:走過冬天 我的童年趣事的作文 學業水平家長會發言稿 快樂需要方法作文 感謝您老師的作文 雷雨前後六年級作文 鄉下人家作文300字 魏大勛 高一語文《雨巷》教學設計 愉快的春節包餃子400字作文 幸福與至善作文 我家的鳳丹樹作文 《盧學士詩酒傲王侯》讀後感 第一次給媽媽洗頭髮作文750字 在比賽中我感受到創新的快樂作文 央視開學第一課學生觀後感 成功話題的國旗下講話 國有資產房屋租賃合同 小小動物園-我家動物園作文650字 與眾不同的我作文400字 我愛我的家小學優秀作文 公輸的教案 難忘六一兒童節作文500字 河流在環境保護大會上的發言小學優秀作文 生管技術員個人簡歷 螞蟻告訴我們讀後感示例 最感動我的一本書主題徵文 未來的馬的作文 温州樂園一日遊作文 屬於自己的偶像優秀作文 商人與猴子的寓言故事 六種最適合鍛鍊運動方式 經典傷感愛情語句 小學生我的姐姐作文100字 台上台下 讀《笑貓日記之綠狗山莊》有感作文 與銀行員工辭職申請書的 400字作文同學之間 他的行為影響了我作文500字 我有一棵願望樹四年級作文 寫糖醋排骨的小學作文