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小學英語作文:Let’s protect our environment now

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日常生活或是工作學習中,大家都經常看到作文的.身影吧,通過作文可以把我們那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一塊。為了讓您在寫作文時更加簡單方便,下面是小編為大家收集的小學英語作文:Let’s protect our environment now,歡迎閲讀,希望大家能夠喜歡。

小學英語作文:Let’s protect our environment now

With the development of economy, people’s lives have improved a lot recently. However, some environmental problems are appearing gradually including pollution. We know that to pollute means to make things dirty, and of course, it’s bad for humans as well as animals and plants. It’s said that the number of cancer patients is increasing just because of all kinds of pollution. So it’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment.

As a student, we can do many things to keep our environment clean. For example, we can collect soft drink cans to make them recycled instead of throwing them around. We can use both sides of the paper and we can not throw rubbish here and there. We’d better walk or ride a bike if we travel for a short distance. What’s more, as a student in the countryside, we can stop our parents as well as other farmers from burning crop straw. Anyway, there are so many things we can do to keep the environment clean.

In my opinion, making the environment clean is the most important thing for us. So we should always keep it in our mind and try our best to do everything we can. If so, I’m sure we will live in a fresher and better world. Let’s protect our environment right now!

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