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欄目: 初二英語作文 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.07W

Rubbish, with the development of human economy, more and more, human treatment of garbage is only a few, or landfill, or is to be burned, so lead to the Chinese living environment is becoming worse.

"Young man, you have to put the garbage classification!" "The old man, pass you what matter?" "If you so will pollute the environment!" Uncle zhang tried to explain, the young man listened to the after finally know the importance of garbage classification.

Previously, I always hope the garbage truck come on off, lest a stinking smell, below. Heard uncle zhang taught today, let me to waste to have a new understanding. We produce waste every day, but our human garbage out after go where? First, the workers put the rubbish landfill, and then fill in the underground, landfills in the high cost, is about 450 yuan per ton to 450 yuan, the money enough for the impoverished mountainous area child support for half a year. Moreover, if the landfill continues in the ground, will also account for a large number of places, to guide the mosquitoes would come at the same time.

You will often see the park there are four trash cans, respectively is: recyclable garbage, recycling waste, hazardous waste and other waste. Recyclable garbage is blue, not recycle is green, the hazardous waste is red, the other garbage is grey.

Garbage sorting appears to be a simple project, but if you do not pay attention, it is not a simple project. But if you want to do, that is a complex project. It is because of it, young to learn it, and with it, the city will become beautiful, with it, even the whole country will become beautiful.






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