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A Slave ran away from his master,by whom he had been most cruelly treated,and,in order to avoid capture,betook himself into the desert As he wandered about in search Of food and shelter,he came to a cave,which he entered and FOund to be unoccupied Really,however,it was a Lion’s den,and almost immediately,to the horror of the wretched fogitive,the Lion himself appeared The man gave himself up for lost:but,to his utter astonishment,the Lion,instead of springing upon him and devouring him,came and fawned upon him,at the same time whining and lifting up his paw.Observing it to be much swollen and inflamed.he examined it and found a large thorn embedded in the ball of the foot.He accordingly removed it and dressed the wound as well as he could:and in course of time it healed up completely.The Lion’S gratitude was unbounded;he looked upon the man as his friend,and they shared the cave for some time together A day came,however,when the Slave began to long for the society of his fellow—men,and he bade farewell to the Lion and returned to the town Here he was presently recognized and carried off in chains to his former master.who resolved to make an example of him,and ordered that he should be thrown to the beasts at the next public spectacle in the theatre.On the fatal day the beasts were loosed into the arena,and among the rest a Lion of huge bulk and ferocious aspect;and then the wretched Slave was cast in among them.What was the amazement of the spectators,when the Lion after one glance bounded up to him and lay down at his feet with every expression of affection and delight!It was his old friend of the cave!The audience clamored that the Slave’S life should be spared:and the governor of the town,marveling at such gratitude and fidelity in a beast,decreed that both should receiVe thei rliberty.

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