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欄目: 英語演講稿 / 發佈於: / 人氣:6.28K

china has its own sport legends. back to song dynasty, people started to play a game called cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. so now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.


with a concept inspired by the famed silk road, our torch relay will break new ground, traveling from olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-greek, indian and chinese. carrying the message “share the peace, share the olympics. “ the flame will pass through tibet, cross the yangtze and yellow rivers, travel the great wall and visit taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. on its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

i am afraid i cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of beijing that awaits you. ladies and gentlemen, i believe that beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. come and join us.

thank you. thank you all.

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